I am saddened by how many patients walk into my clinic with extreme emotional pain. I often can see the direct link from their spiritual and emotional pain to …
I’m looking out my sisters window watching my children play with their cousins. Two of them are trying to catch snowflakes in their mouth with outstretched tongues while the …
This past weekend my three siblings, spouses and our gaggle of children all gathered to celebrate my dad’s 83rd birthday at a cabin in Longbeach, Washington. It is no cosmic surprise …
I was visiting with a patient who reported that she had yet to started looking into the dietary recommendations that I had made for her. I was curious about …
I love the simplicity of this dish as well as its power-packed nutrient content! Cauliflower is of the cruciferous family that is well known for its anti-cancer properties. Particularly …
The summer days are sizzling on. Balancing the heat with the cool cuisine is one way to feel comfortable during this weather. Today I cooked one of my favorites: …
This weekend when the weather got unusually hot, I was pleased with myself for remembering a recipe for a cooling dish that my grandma used to cook on hot …
With the warm weather of summer upon us, my children love making fresh and icy lemonade. Here is one of our favorite Vitamin C rich and tasty thirst quenchers. …
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